Written by : Nick 28-04-2024

Upgrading Your Sliding Gate Motor: Connecting Old Photocells


When upgrading your sliding gate motor, connecting old Motostar photocells can save time and money.

Safty beams can be a reason of a gate failure. Therefore it is important to install them right way.

Understanding Photocells

Most photocells have a receiver and transmitter with specific power requirements.

Motostar Photocells

Old Motostar photocells have unique T and TX inputs on the transmitter and 20, G, TX, D1 inputs/outputs on the receiver.

CAME sensors

Old CAME safty beams (Dir10) feature 2 and TX inputs on the transmitter and 10, 2, TX, C, NC on the receiver, making it more user-friendly.

Connection Guidelines

Connect TX on the receiver with TX on the transmitter for proper functionality.

Common Wires Connection

Wires like G, T, 2, or C should be connected to input 2 on the motor controller.

Power Input Connection

Connect 20 or 10 power inputs to the designated spot on the motor controller.

Output Connection

Connect D1 or NC to C1 or CX on the motor controller for proper relay output.

Utilizing Old Photocells

By following these connection guidelines, you can effectively use old photocells to save money and time.


So understanding the wiring requirements of old photocells can streamline the process of upgrading your sliding gate motor.

Upgrading Your Sliding Gate Motor: Connecting Old Photocells

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